Got Questions?

This line originally contained the 40th something iteration
of the word “quirky.” In no way did I prompt the insane AI
which writes all the boilerplate copy to use that word or
even vibe. I hate the word quirky. Sorry you read this and
wasted thy time.

Sifting through the Chaos

Welcome to Bloody … WTF? These are dumb answers to questions no one is ever going to ask. But I felt it was an easy way to “build-out” the site, dig? Make more than a single page affair.

Common Questions

Here are some answers to common questions. Got more? Feel free to ask!

Who are you?

Turn off your monitor.

Ohohohoho. It is to be laughing. No, really.

Not tellin’.

Why’s that?

No real reason; I’m no one important. I just enjoy my privacy and don’t really “do” para-social relationships, dig?

So what’s all this about, then?

Basically, a test platform for various projects I’m working on. Small, personal projects. Nothing work related, and if you knew what I did for a living, you’d realise that, behind closed doors, there is only fragmentary doggerel code that is of no use to anyone (including myself).